Tamara Brown

Jan 27, 2018

Fluoride & SLS vs. Activated Charcoal & Coconut Oil

Updated: Jan 28, 2018

I am sure by now you have all heard that activated charcoal gives you a brighter whiter smile. The charcoal removes deeply rooted stains from drinks, smoking, and more. Coconut oil also has wonderful benefits aiding in healthier teeth and gums. Coconut oil attacks the harmful bacteria in your mouth. It can reduce plaque buildup, prevent tooth decay and fight gum disease. For these reasons, brushing your teeth with coconut oil can significantly improve oral and dental health.

There are also many essential oils that can also work great with activated charcoal & coconut oil. Peppermint and spearmint oils are also very effective in combating bad breath. Clove Oil is one of my favorite essential oils for healthy teeth and gums. It helps fight germs and, like peppermint, numbs pain and fights bad breath. Rosemary Essential Oil is a good disinfectant and takes care of mouth odor.

I know, well what about fluoride?!! Fluoride is a mineral used to break down and disrupt plaque, and helps to prevent tooth decay. There have been some buzz about the mineral having negative affects on the overall health of the body. Although it works to prevent some harmful teeth and gum issues, it has been shown to be a harmful toxin. We brush our teeth twice a day using fluoride, we drink 8 glasses of water containing fluoride, and all of this is going into our body!

Toothpaste such as Crest, which is popular also has some ingredients that are becoming more known to be harmful such as SLS. Some household soaps have a concentration measurement as high as 30 percent. This level is considered unsafe and a likely cause of skin irritation. SLS is also found in mouthwash, makeup, body wash and shampoos.

A lot of people think that we have to buy toothpaste containing ingredients such as these to have healthy teeth and gums, but this is far from the truth. You can maintain a healthy smile and gums using all natural ingredients such as activated charcoal, essential oils, and coconut oil to name a few, along with flossing regularly.

#natural #toothpaste #oralhealth #activatedcharcoal #coconutoil #brightersmile