Tamara Brown

Jan 21, 2018

Without the titles who are YOU?!

Updated: Jan 22, 2018

As a person you wear many hats and have a number of titles. But without the hats and titles, who are you? I often find myself asking myself this question. I am a mother, a sister, a wife, a friend, a niece, a cousin, an entrepreneur, and the list goes on. Although these are elements of who I am and they all add defining terms to my existence, but eliminate them and I struggle to define myself. I vaguely remember what it was like not to have so many titles especially ones that count the most, like being a mother. What was I like? What did I like? What were the things I found interesting? I guess with time, experiences and life altering moments comes wisdom, maturity, and new defining moments of self.

There are still traces of the "past' me like waking up with an idea and diving head first without a second thought LOL. The present me is a twilight me. Meaning that I feel that I am still in transition of becoming my full self. We never stop developing, growing, and learning, but there comes a time when you still have those "childish moments" or those "old soul moments where you find yourself sounding like your grandma. Things that use to interest me no longer holds my attention, things that I thought were boring have become some of my favorite hobbies.

I am learning to stop trying to define myself without my titles, because honestly they do define who I am. They are the best parts of me. They are the reasons I choose to live for. I wake up with peace in knowing that my kids have a very active present mom, that my sister has a listening ear even though we don't always agree, that my husband has a strong life partner and teammate, and that just by me living brings happiness to a number of lives around me.

So who am I without the titles.............

#whoareyou #selfdefinition #skincare